Traces on paths

 Etusivu > In English > Exhibitions > Traces on paths


Gallery K, Tikkurila:

Traces on paths 28.2.-27.4.2025

Gallery K's Traces on paths exhibition leads you to explore the city and its nature from the perspectives of observation, dreaming, and multispecies. The works of the exhibition entice the audience to ponder on multispecies being in the city, as well as on how nature overlaps with the city by means of both abstract and figurative arts.

The exhibition consists of paintings, graphics, sculptures, and ceramic art, belonging to Vantaa Art Museum’s collections.

Artists of the exhibition:

Anne-Maria Björninen, Pirkko Holm, Heli Huotala, Rozalia Janovic, Tiina Kivinen, Markku Laitakari, Kaari Martikainen-Whale, Francesca Mascitti-Lindh, Pirkko Nukari, Maaria Oikarinen, Katri Paunu, Kyösti Pärkinen, Osmo Rauhala, Hannu Sillanpää, Risto Suomi, and Soili Talja


Anne-Maria Björninen: Lintusia, 2010. Photo: Sami Parkkinen.

The exhibition belongs to a city-related thematic entity, together with the exhibition Steps in the City. The exhibition is on show at Myyrmäkitalo on April 2 - August 31, 2025.