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Artsi Collects and Documents
Vantaa Art Museum Artsi’s collection spans over 10 000 art works and it can be seen not only inside the Artsi museum, but also around the city of Vantaa. Art works belonging to the City of Vantaa art collection have been deposited to public buildings, such as libraries, schools, day care centres, hospitals – one can also come across art works from the collection at the city hall, in Aviapolis’ Clarion Hotel or the Myyrmäki swimming hall.
Finnish artists Acton, Boing, EGS, Hende, Salla Ikonen and Trama were among the first graffiti and mural artists whose works were acquired to the museum’s collection. Pictured Boing: Liikennevaloissa (2016).
The Artsi collection is focused on Finnish and international contemporary art. The collection’s history dates back to 1961. From 2016 onwards, Artsi started to collect street, graffiti and performance art. Also public artworks are part of the museum’s collection.
Vast distinctive collections by three Finnish artists present the life work of Risto Vilhunen, Pentti Kaskipuro and Lauri Santtu.
Artsi’s art collection holds a lot of fine art prints. Pictured here is a selection of Pentti Kaskipuro and Marjatta Hanhijoki’s works in the exhibition Sinä&Minä muotokuvassa.
Read more about Artsi’s collection policy from the collections programme (in Finnish).
Vantaa -a City for Public Art
Public art works grace and colour Vantaa from East to West in parks, public buildings and in the streets. Public art is a vital part of city planning. Myyrmäki, Leinelä, Kivistö and Tikkurila are four central neighbourhoods of public art in Vantaa.
Myyrmäki, also home to Vantaa art museum Artsi, is the vibrant centre of graffiti and street art in Vantaa, with its lavish, colourful railway station.
In the recently built residential area of Leinelä, 10 artists were invited to plan original art works for the new neighbourhood. The area’s public art programme was realised by artist Vesa-Pekka Rannikko and it features works from eg. Markku Pääkkönen, Tuula Närhinen and Hilda Kozári. Ympäristötaiteen säätiö (Finnish foundation for environmental art) awarded the Kehärata public art plan in 2015.
Tikkurila city centre features hometown inspired original artworks by artist group Art 4 (Jaana Brinck, Riikka Latva-Somppi, Merja Ranki and Outi Turpeinen). In 2017, artist duo Helena Hietanen and Jaakko Niemelä alongside with architecture agency Lahdelma & Mahlamäki will realise a new architectural and sculptural light artwork titled 1708 in concordance with the renovation of the Tikkurila railway station underpass.

Have you seen a damaged public artwork in your neighbourhood? Do you have feedback about public art in Vantaa? Contact us at