Take a peek! / Gallery K, Tikkurila
Etusivu > In English > Gallery K > Exhibitions > Take a peek! – Latest Acquisitions to Vantaa Art Museum’s collections
Take a peek! – Latest Acquisitions to Vantaa Art Museum’s collections
Gallery K, Tikkurila 9.9.-30.10.2022
This exhibition showcases new artworks acquired for Vantaa Art Museum’s collections. The works have been purchased during 2019–2022 and include paintings, sculptures and textile art. The exhibition features Jarmo Mäkilä, Eino Ruutsalo and Tommi Toija, along with new collection artists, such as Viljami Heinonen, Tiina Heiska, Maisa Majakka and Niina Mantsinen. Overarching themes of the works include a reflection on humanity and its related questions.