At Home with Master K – Graphic artist Pentti Kaskipuro in Vantaa / Gallery K, Tikkurila
Etusivu > In English > Gallery K > Exhibitions > At Home with Master K – Graphic artist Pentti Kaskipuro in Vantaa
At Home with Master K – Graphic artist Pentti Kaskipuro in Vantaa
Gallery K, Tikkurila 8.9.-26.11.2023
Photo: Pentti Kaskipuro society.
Galleria K’s 10th jubilee exhibition presents works from Vantaa Art Museum Artsi’s vast Pentti Kaskipuro collection and honors the gallery’s first exhibition. Galleria K opened its doors for the first time in 2013 with Pentti Kaskipuro’s Mestari K:n surrealistisia kertomuksia exhibition. Moreover, the letter K in the name of the gallery refers to Kaskipuro — one of the most famous Vantaa artists.
Pentti Kaskipuro (1930–2010), Mestari K, lived and worked in Vantaa’s Korso almost all his life. He was a self-educated artist. The exhibition shows scenery, cityscapes, and portraits from Kaskipuro’s early production. In addition, on exhibit are some interior-themed works of art from Kaskipuro’s later production. The works in the exhibition reflect Kaskipuro’s immediate surroundings, as well as, for instance, the environs and artifacts of the artist’s home in Korso.